
  1. A

    Can you name one prophecy that Jehovah's Witnesses have made?

    I have heard it said that JWs have made numerous false prophecies. Yet, to my knowledge JWs haven't made any prophecies. Remember, interpretations of already existing prophecies are not new prophecies, especially when containing words such as "maybe," "perhaps," "could be," "almost certain,"...
  2. A

    Can you name one prophecy that Jehovah's Witnesses have made?

    I have heard it said that JWs have made numerous false prophecies. Yet, to my knowledge JWs haven't made any prophecies. Remember, interpretations of already existing prophecies are not new prophecies, especially when containing words such as "maybe," "perhaps," "could be," "almost certain,"...
  3. A

    Can you name one prophecy that Jehovah's Witnesses have made?

    I have heard it said that JWs have made numerous false prophecies. Yet, to my knowledge JWs haven't made any prophecies. Remember, interpretations of already existing prophecies are not new prophecies, especially when containing words such as "maybe," "perhaps," "could be," "almost certain,"...
  4. T

    What is the "New Light" Jehovah's Witnesses believe in? It is something I just...

    What is the "New Light" Jehovah's Witnesses believe in? It is something I just... ...heard about is just gossip or? true? Please keep it your answers civil, Thank you for your answers! Thank you Gina. Also thank you for your kind offer Kim 090.
  5. K

    Jehovah's Witnesses, please tell me about your religion..?

    www.watchtower.org will give you honest answers to most of your questions. I've looked at it, it's the official website, completely clean and honest, no bugs or weird stuff or anything.
  6. E

    Is it true that Jehovah's Witnesses aren't the only Christian religion that

    doesn't believe in the trinity? I asked http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aoq02xakev5.s.8oDuRtRSbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090319004316AAmxuKk yesterday and the most informative answerer said that JWs weren't the only Christians who dont believe in the trinity. So which other Christian...
  7. Q

    Ex Jehovah's Witnesses, Does This Quote Ring A Bell?

    "When our own thoughts are forbidden, when our questions are not allowed and our doubts are punished, when contacts and friendships outside of the organization are censored, we are being abused for an end that never justifies its means. When our heart aches knowing we have made friendships and...
  8. B

    how did the religion JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES develop through time?

    please answer it is very important, i am doing a project and i NEED this information!!!!
  9. B

    why did Charles Taze Russell start the religion Jehovah's Witnesses?

    please answer this!!!!!!!! i really need to know it is very important
  10. B

    What makes the Jehovah Witnesses so different from other religions?

    I just am only experienced with main stream christian views & was wondering what other views were out there & I knew that JW ha ddifferent views than mainstream but was not sure what they were. Thank you for your answers.
  11. W

    Jehovah's Witnesses, is it wrong to learn about other religions? What about...

    ...visiting a church or mosque just..? to see what it is like? I've always wanted to go to a mosque..and l find other religions so interesting..
  12. V

    Why to Jehovah Witnesses hate Catholics and Gay People?

    One JW family told me as we drove by a Catholic Church Bazaar that they would like to go on the rides but would never support them. I asked the JWs if they would accept support from Catholics. The JWs said of course. JWs are obviously a bunch of hypocrites!!!
  13. M

    Why do Jehovah's witnesses ride bikes to my house.?

    I get suspicious when i see someone park a bike then come knocking on my door asking to come in, is it in their doctrine to ride bikes when going door to door?
  14. S

    Do Jehovah's Witnesses themselves cause people to hate their religion?

    Notice the following answer from a JW to an ex-Jw....is THIS what they are really like? "Well you got what you wanted. Lots of support from people just like you. Poor, poor thing. I'd like to hear the other side of the story, like from Mom and the congregation you 'went' too. From the elders...