12 and never had a serious relationship...Weird?


I was gonna say "You're. A. Kid." I see no way how people can have "serious relationships" while living with their parents, since the meaning of a serious relationship involves living full time with the person.

You see threads here where people are in a "serious relationship" and the problem is that they aren't allowed to sleep on the same bed by their parents. :rolleyes:
Er, not true. My sister is engaged and she's not living with her fiance. Theyboth live with their parents and aren't even allowed to sleep over if the parents are home.

I know plenty of people who are the same as well. Most of my friends are in serious relationships and don't live together and I don't intend to until I get married eithier:)
Ok, I get the point that some people get along really well and stuff like that, but I think the only real test that must be passed is the one of living together. It's really easy getting along with someone if you're always just chilling out and having fun. When it comes to serious things like living together, things get more complicated.
You mean '12, been trying for a baby, still no success'

And the main text will read along the lines of 'we've been trying for about a year, how much does it cost for artifishal in semi nation?

Because the Conservatives will have won an election by then and there'd be no NHS, y'see. I thought about it.
So not true. I know people who lived together for years before marriage and were divorced in three years.

I also know my parents and grandparents never lived together before they were married and they've been married 26 years (my parents) 54 years (mums parents) and 67 years (dads parents).

Living together is not an indication of seriousness. I know people who have been dating two weeks who lived together and barely know eachother. You don't have to live together to get to know eachother, I think you actually get to know eachother better living apart. You talk more and make more of an effort if you're not living together. And once you start living together you love eachother enough to overcome the differences.

Seriousness is defined by how devoted you are to eachother and and how likely you are to end up together. Not by your geographical location