1984 fans, who would you cast in a hypothetical movie? + Cast your favorite book?


New member
Jul 31, 2010
I'm pretty bored so I've been thinking of things to entertain me and this was one of them. I love the book and think it would be a successful film (Not a fan of the original movie) if it had a good cast and script. Pretend you are the casting director and pick actors for the main roles.

Here are my picks (I think these would be inspired casting choices tbh):

Paddy Considine as Winston
Gemma Arterton as Julia
Liam Neeson as O'Brien

I can't think of anyone who could better play trustworthy then Liam Neeson. He'd get everyone to love him and trust him I'm sure plus he also brings the starpower that Paddy and Gemma might lack. Paddy Considine is of course Paddy Considine and is perfect for Winston. I had more trouble thinking of a good actress to play Julia but I remembered Gemma from James Bond and I think she'd be quite good.

Who do you think would be good choices? If you haven't read the books then obviously don't answer.

BQ: What do you think of my picks?
BQ2: Go ahead and cast the main roles of your favorite book, if you want.
Yes, I realize this could have gone in the movie section but I figured more fans of the books would be here, so...