1998 Ford Escort Help?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Long story short, I haven't had very much luck with this car. I've been letting my girlfriend drive it for a few months now and Ive had several problems with it. Mostly wear-n-tear stuff. ( all 4Tires, broken off rear bumper, timing belt, fan belt, battery, alternator) but a few days ago she lost control taking an exit and bumped the guard-rail.
Well after I had it towed back to the house, I noticed that the Drivers side front tire is resting against the wheel well.

( O)

Kinda like that. ^

I havent had a chance to go out and look at it. But does anyone know what it is (or at least an idea) and how to fix it? (or at least know how MUCH itd cost to fix if its not something the average joe can do?) Or am I just better off scrapping the car?