20 Gallon Fish Setup?


May 30, 2008
I currently have 2 peppered corys and 3 neon tetra.
Soon Im going to get 2 more peppered corys and 2 more neon tetras
I dont know what else to get so I need some ideas

Heres the current setup:
4 Peppered Corys
5 Neon Tetras
Woops heres the Planned Setup:
4 Peppered Corys
5 Neon Tetras
I'd go with:

6 Peppered Corys
10 Neon Tetras

And then a centerpiece fish of some kind: betta, honey gourami, blue ram


6 Peppered Corys
8 Neon Tetras
6 of a another school (cherry barbs, zebra danios, glowlight tetras)

I like the look of big schools more than anything else, especially neon tetras. Not just because they're pretty, but because they are notoriously delicate. I haven't had a problem with them, though.
I'd go with:

6 Peppered Corys
10 Neon Tetras

And then a centerpiece fish of some kind: betta, honey gourami, blue ram


6 Peppered Corys
8 Neon Tetras
6 of a another school (cherry barbs, zebra danios, glowlight tetras)

I like the look of big schools more than anything else, especially neon tetras. Not just because they're pretty, but because they are notoriously delicate. I haven't had a problem with them, though.