21 and depressed?


New member
Apr 7, 2008
i live at home, recently moved to a very rural state and i'm depressed. i can't get anywhere without a car and i don't drive.
i've put my application in a very few places to work around here, no luck. there is always stress and screaming around the house(not from me), money issues, and i don't have friends here because no one comes outside. help me. i want to move back to nyc, but i have no money and afraid i would be a failure there. i want to die...can i have some words of encouragement?
I'm so sorry...I know exactly how you feel. Not being able to drive sucks. Add a rural area to the equation and it's a living hell. :(
Anyway, it sounds like you need to make a plan...What do you want to do with your life? Any careers you're interested in?
I think college would be good for you, especially if you were to live in a dorm. No problem meeting people there! :) Since money is a problem, I recommend looking at this site about how to get grants. Also, it wouldn't hurt to talk to a doctor about how you're feeling. You don't have to tell your family the real reason for your visit, if it's embarrassing to you. Just say you have an earache or something.
Hang in there, things will get better, I promise!! =^.^=
Feel free to email me if ya need someone to talk to, k?
It sounds like you aren't accustomed to smaller areas. Not to worry, it's perfectly normal and it takes time. But some people, they just like being in bigger cities better, and just feel more at home.

It sounds like its time to move.

You're right. NYC is very expensive, so look for another option. Maybe something busier than where you now live but a little less than NYC. Something in between? It's your life and life is short. Do what you want and whatever it takes to be happy (as long as its legal, lol).

Also, you may want to try seeing a therapist. It sounds like you just really need someone to talk to.

Good Luck! :)
Use this time to get to know yourself better. Fill out one application a day, and call one place back each day and ask for an interview. Read some good books from your local library. Autobiographies from some of your favorite celebrities are encouraging. I don't want you to die, and I know you really want to continue life. 21 is an age when you are having to decide where to go with your life. Make sure and think your options out, and have some fun. Eventually you can move back to New York, but for the time...make the best of things. I hope you have a nice evening.
Use this time to get to know yourself better. Fill out one application a day, and call one place back each day and ask for an interview. Read some good books from your local library. Autobiographies from some of your favorite celebrities are encouraging. I don't want you to die, and I know you really want to continue life. 21 is an age when you are having to decide where to go with your life. Make sure and think your options out, and have some fun. Eventually you can move back to New York, but for the time...make the best of things. I hope you have a nice evening.
Don't want to die! There are a lot of things to live for, your only 21... First things first... learn how to drive! It will be an awesome way to get a free feeling, if you don't have the money still try to learn on your parents car. Keep putting your application out there, even in jobs where you think you may not have a chance *but be reasonable* Are you in school *college*? I know you say money is tight, but there are so many grants and scholarships available, get info on local schools, community schools and get some scholarships, you don't have to be the smartest to get them :) That way you will be able to meet more people, get out of the house and start your life. Once you are able to get up a job save save save!!! Then you will be able to move back to NYC. Be positive about it all, it might be a down/ bummer time now but things will always get better at some point. And you have a big part in making it happen :) Pick up some hobbies, go out and try to meet people, make friends where your at now. Best of luck! *nobody knows what happens tomorrow* remember that
You need to find things to keep you busy where you live. You won't have to live there forever. Try to make the best of this situation. You will be a stronger person for it.

Did you ever hear the saying, "Bloom Where You Are Planted?" It means to set down roots where you are and succeed. Good luck, Hon.
Ahhh Hun......im sorry for what your going through i had to go through tough times in life as well and it wasnt easy at all so i know.

But know that you will get out of this and there are better thigns to happen for you : )