5 pizza toppings you are most reluctant to face/What is the best pizza topping?


New member
Apr 7, 2008
The 5 pizza toppings I am most reluctant to face are:

5 - Veggie topping
4 - Ham and pineapple
3 - BBQ sauce
2 - Ones with chilli's on
1 - Not a topping, but deep fried pizza from the chip shop.

The BEST pizza topping is:

Meat feast or pepperioni passion!

Yours in all seriousness,

1. anchovies (furry salty fish - no thanks)
2. pineapple (no to hot fruit!!!!!)
3. banana (as above)
4. suspicious shaped meat products claiming to be pork/ chicken/ spicy beef

Don't have a 5th.
The best has to be pepperoni (which I suppose does have an overlap with 4......)

Don't fear the pizza!
Banana (although I know a girl who swears it's the best)

Don't have any more.

Dominos do fantastic Indian pizzas that are really hot and make your nose run and chip shop fried pizza is great when you're too wasted to worry about the implications on your health. ;ob
I wouldn't have anchovies (never tasted them, and don;t want to) and vegetarian. I like my meat feasts. Ham and pineapple is nice. Tuna is nice, and peperoni is nice. Chicken is another favourite.

Me and Yoda know somebody who has his pizza without cheese!!!!
I know this guy who can't have cheese so guess what he has covering the base of the pizza?.

5) Ham and Pineapple
4) Supreme
3) Seafood
2) Vegetarian
1) Any pizza with Chilli

Best pizza: Meat Lovers
1) Anchovies
2) Olives (yeeech)
3) bird's eye chillis (far too hot, especially if they aren't deseeded)
4) Pineapple
5) marshmallow.

the best? chicken and sweetcorn, mmmmm.
Okay guys, drag yourself down to tartuf in london. They do flambees (which are very similar to pizza, bread dough, but much lighter softer).

They do some of the weirdest toppings ever - brocolli and chilli for instance!

I love their sweet flambees. Apple cinnamon and Bannas with yoghurt with hot choc sauce. Mmmm... and I don't even like sweet stuff!

Mmm... pizza... can't talk eating...
5) Anchovies
4) Peppers
3) Bugs
2) Pee
1) All the above

"This the revese of one of those stupid, 'What are the best pizza topping?' threads. Whats the point?"

Col.... I mean J

Ok, Freeform, I get the point.    
1. anchovies
2. pineapple
3. banana
*Kinda stole fluffydocs list *

Best topping is no topping at all! Just give some good ol' fashion cheese pizza
The best Pizza topping is the one that works for YOU!

I would suggest cross eating and then deciding

Mine for now is just cheese!!!! Can't do without cheese!!!

Anything from FEAR FACTOR or any reality show is a big nono. Best pizza is from upstate newyork! Buffalo has little Italian pizza shops, the best! I'm origionally from Rochester NY so call me biased
LOL at the sheer ignorance on this thread. You keyboard warriors love to talk big about who has the best or worst pizza toppings, but I am willing to bet that not one of you has faced a pizza in an eat or be eaten situation.

My style is the ONLY style that uses aliveness and cutting edge training methods in order to ensure that no pizza, topping, sauce, or crust will ever get the upper hand in a real street encounter. You ever see a street pizza? Looks a lot like a flat squirrel.