a guy is spreading rumors about me going to bed with him at school?


Mar 28, 2008
first of all i'm a virgin, and i'm not the flirty type. i have my small group of friends. i'm friendly to everyone. i have tons of associates. i don't gossip and i keep my buisness to myself. theres this guy at school, we would talk as associates. people have told me that they heard his friends talking about how he made a bet. He bet he could go to bed with me in a certain amount of time. well he went to his friends and told them i slept with him. but i didn't! and it spread through the school! now every ones calling me a hoe. i can't believe people believe this. they know i'm not that type of person. i'm the "goody goody" type. i wonder what the teachers think, they're even giving me looks now. what should i do to stop this? i confronted him about it and all he could say was "don't lie". i want to shove my fist down his throat right about now. . . now other guys are spreading rumors. . .stupid little boy
until now i had a drama-free life. . . =( i'm 17 by the way
I know it isn't right to spread lies, but since he started it. Tell everybody that he has a small penis, maybe once that gets spread around the school he will own up to the truth and tell everyone that you two didn't sleep together.
I would try and tell a school counselor. That way he'll probably get in trouble. You might be able to tell all of his friends that he is a liar. If his friends find out it isn't true he will get a lot of crap from his friends. That's really tough. You sound like a pretty nice girl what a shame some jerk like that has to try and ruin your reputation. Best of luck hope things get better. Eventually this boy is going to find out what goes around comes around.