A man about 2-3 inches taller than me. He very often jokes on me and tries to...


New member
Oct 4, 2011
...insult me in front of others? whenever he gets any chance. what is the best i can do?
i want to beat him. but he is about 3 inches taller than me. may be physically his strength is similar to me.
is boxing will be best or free style? or anything else?
He is male about 25 yrs, i am also a male of similar age or 3-4 yrs older.
Take the high road here on this one. Or crack a joke back at him in jest. Don't result to fighting unless it is self-defense. Dont get angry, or lose your temper with him, and dont let him bother you. Anything else would be conduct that could comprise you as a gentlemen.
Wow, why are you so concerned over a small height difference? That means absolutely nothing in a fighting situation, in fact it puts him at a few disadvantages.

But if you're really concerned about it, try leveling the playing field. Get friends, get a blunt object to beat him with, mess with his social connections, etc.
It is always better to avoid fighting at any cost.

However if you must fight, there is no reason to fight "like a man" it only makes opportunity for you to lose the fight, if you must attack him- punch him with your fist in the throat while he is laughing- he will be on the floor unable to breathe, then kick him in the face while he is down which might break his nose and make it even harder for him to breathe, however I guarantee- he will survive.

(Also in regards to 2 - 3 inches taller then you, look at the history of boxing .. there have always been champions 2 - 3 inches shorter or taller. Height generally doesnt matter so long as his reach isnt double your arm length which is extremely unlikely.)
He's already got you beat, because you choose to allow him to upset you.

He obviously has issues ... why do you want to make his problems your problems?

If you're going to "beat" him, beat him at being funnier, or possibly more insulting if that is your choice.