A school teacher let my 7yr old son use a knife at school an he cut his finger...


New member
Oct 3, 2008
Report it to the school like to the Principal that the only thing you can really do
I think That you need to Calm Down First, It's not as big of a deal as you think it is.
Beleive it or not it isnt extremly simple to watch 14-15 kids at a time, and teachers do their best to make sure that the children arent hurt. accidents happen. You cannot live life expecting everyone to do things perfect. Is your kid In horrible pain? Does he have a fatel infecting? Is the wound dangerous looking?
Probably not. and your probably freaking out over nothing.
The Best thing you can do is put a bandaid on your childs finger give him a kiss on the head and call the school and nicely explain why you would not like your son using a knife.
Dont freak over nothing. Its not worth it. You sound really dramatic, I feel sorry for your kid.
...how do i complain about her? my son told me today that a school helper ''teacher'' said that they were going to make veg soup so took a few kids out of the class into another and let them use a sharp knife to cut the veg so while my son had the knife in his hand he cut his finger...i do not let my son at home use a sharp knife what so ever...the only knife he can use is the one with a fork while eating his dinner...so i would like to know how do i go about complaining.

i am so so angry with what has happened to my boy
i asked a question for advice NOT VERBAL ABUSE!!!
Guess what? It will heal. And next time he will be more careful.

Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill and quit your whining.

Good grief.
Well, if it were me, I would just take my son to class the next morning and ask the teacher (in charge) the purpose of letting a 2nd grader use a knife for cooking (the vegies should of already been chopped in my opinion)...then ask the teacher to explain to you the age requirment expectations that are set in the classroom by her/him and the assistant. Tell her in the meantime, they are is to get a verbal or written authorization from you (and even other parents) before the child is allowed to use sharp objects that were not indicated as a requirement on the class list at the beginning of the year.. As I recall, when I was that age...even our scissors were rounded to prevent an accident..

If a hospital and stitches were required..I recomment talking to the principal and make a formal complaint., then go from there

In the mean time...teach him how to properly use a knife...and expect that accidents will happen with a child...especially at school...Kids are smart and can learn quickly. Think of children who are raised on a farm and the possible hazzards that they adapt to by the age of 3 or 4.
In an era when children are being killed in school by their fellow-students, (unless your son was severely injured) your priorities seem odd.

Do you not send your children to school so that they may learn? How can a person learn to use a sharp knife, if they're not allowed to use it at all?

This is the kind of real-life activity, supervised by adults, that would be an ideal way to learn how to feed himself and others. Give him more of this yourself, and he will become more skilled.

Would you be in such a state if he'd fallen and skinned his knee? Unless it was a severe injury, what's the big deal? People get 'owies' sometimes. That's just life.
so you don't want the boy to be able to fix his own food? I was taught at 4 years of age on how to peel patotes veggies and remove fat from meat, maybe you should start teaching him a few things rather than reling on the school system, it's not their job to wipe his butt eaither would you sue for a paper cut?
You should go to the principal, and tell her what happened.
My mother used to be a kindergarten teacher, and she made veg soup with the kids every so often but she always cut the vegetables the night before the day she came. Explain to the principal that you're upset with how it was done , and tell her/him that you can't believe that they would let a young child use a sharp knife. Just tell them your concerns, and make sure they stop doing that, so no one else gets hurt.
well im sure he is fine i think you should just talk to the teacher first and then if she does it again than do something about it (not suing)
Stop with the complaint and TEACH your son how to properly use a knife without cutting himself. 7 is not too young to learn this. My mother taught me at age 5.
Stop with the complaint and TEACH your son how to properly use a knife without cutting himself. 7 is not too young to learn this. My mother taught me at age 5.
Go talk to the principle and make sure they do something about it because this is a serious issue. The teacher should know better than to let a small child handle a knife. If nothing is done, you should talk to an attorney or a lawyer and go on from there.

Please help w/ mine: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090402113911AAYCunI
well im sure he is fine i think you should just talk to the teacher first and then if she does it again than do something about it (not suing)