a vent to taurus girls?


Sep 3, 2008
sigh.ok taurus girls, i'm just going to speak my mind-so it's gonna kinda move around topics like crazy.
i noticed that you talk alot, but the way you talk, really irritates my moods.
this is how you talk: negative comment, negative comment, negative comment, then HAPPY COMMENT ! then negative comment, negative comment again, then you say " i hate people that are negative" ( although you are being one of the most negative persons in my life as of now) then POSTIVE COMMENT! urgh, it's so annoying, sometimes i just want to tell you to shut up/ or tell you ( do you have anything better to talk about?cause you're really boring me, i don't know if you know or even care, but whatever you're talking about right now is really sucking the life out of me)
BUT no, when a taurus talks to you, it's like THEY don't care what you have to say or think or feel, sometimes when i try and join in their oneway conversation, it literally feels as if my words went inside one of their ears and bounced off that same ear not even making it into their ear lobe- and yes, that's how bad their listening capability is sometimes. sigh, idk, i'm getting depressed just thinking about it. anyways , tell me something. i'm listening. i was honest, be honest with me.
i'm a scorpio.
haha i've noticed this too. with a taurus male though. like he will be so negative then i will give it a crack and say 'i feel shit' and he'll be like 'Be happy :) think happy thoughts.' AH BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU HEY?!