Abortion is Wrong

For me? I think suffering for no reason on a cross and enduring all of the pain, mockery, and everything else that went along with it is what makes it more than good enough for me. I don't really want to get into some long and drawn out debate however because I just don't really feel like arguing with anyone about it. People will change their views if they choose to. If not, they will just keep going the way they feel is best. If that is what someone feels is best, then that's how it is.
You know the bible Mike, isn't there something about praying quietly on your own, and not advertising it? And how you don't need to ask for things because god already knows what you're thinking? I think it includes a dig at the Jews and nodding their heads in synagogue.
Actually... I never said I prayed for you. I said I would and that I would pray for everyone. When I did/do it is up to me.

If my ego is the reason I did it, then it will be seen as wrong. If I say it because I want people to think i'm this super nice guy then i'm wrong. That's not why I said it however. What's in the heart is what matters.
Whoah moofftopic...I hope you don't ever lose your faith because you sound like you'd be horrible without it.
If there was no god you'd start killing and raping and stealing because the fear of punishment would then be gone? Really?
That says more about the mind of a believer than it does about an unbeliever.

Personally I'm nice because life is more enjoyable that way. You make better connections with people, get more out of it and engender niceness in return.
There's no point to life per se. It just "is".
Might as well equally ask if there's a point to wind or rain.
But just because there's no point doesn't mean it can't be savoured, enjoyed and cherished.
Why don't you tell me what exactly it says about my character that is so bad? I don't see it myself. I don't do anything because of the threat of hell, but of the choice to always try to do the right based on a set of morals set before me. Everyone has their own way of looking at it though.
Well I'm assuming you don't believe in all gods? So there must, in some sense, be convincing proof that those other gods don't exist? Or a lack of proof that they do?
A situation whereby you aren't convinced enough to believe in them?
So let's start with the letter A (we won't get to Yahweh for some time I'm afraid).

Anubis and Apollo.

Why don't you believe in either of those?
You said that if there was no god you would have no reason to be a good person.
So exactly what would you do without god that you don't do now?
I don't know Mike, if atheists are allowed to imply religious people are idiots for believing in god/s, I don't see why the religious folks can't tell us we're all going to hell in a hand basket.

Seems fair. Both have an element of "look at me".
In fairness from their view;

For a believer, everything they do (or have) is in the presence of their God. So this question or sceanario is moot upon them
I'm not fussed by a believer saying "I'll pray for you".
They might as well be saying "I'll pull on my ear-lobes for you".
Knock yourself out. In the words of teachers everywhere "It's your time you're wasting!".
SIB, the only difference between me and you is that I simply believe in 1 less god than you do.

(not an original quote but I don't remember who said it.)

Kudos to PASmith for bringing this point up.
These aren't exactly evidence. Brains near death do some odd things and show some strange activity.

Brains which are dead show no activity.

Since the senses are interpreted by the brain, hallucinations when it's dying are hardly surprising. That doesn't provide any evidence whatsoever for something to continue on after death.

One who is determined to believe there is something after death will continue to do so despite a complete lack of evidence. Thank you for demonstrating.

This always bothered me. Your deity apparently wants us to be unquestioning sheep who need no evidence for their beliefs.

This strikes me more as abusive parent than anything else.

Nope, true or untrue comes down to evidence - which you deny is required.

I believe absolutely, totally and with no doubt that there is no deity. I'm a decent person. These things are not related - I'm a (basically) good person because it makes life better for others and myself.

Now this will be fun...

Actually, yes. Humans are excellent at theory of mind (playing out another's thoughts in their head). It's one of our greatest evolutionary talents, and basically makes almost all human interaction possible.

So if human minds are mechanical (like a computer program) then someone remembering you after you are gone is essentially running your program in their head. You get a limited form of immortality - whether you're aware of it or not is pretty much irrelevant. The more people who remember you, who replay you in their head, and who spread the meme of your personality and ideas the more copies there are of you running.

They're far from perfect copies, they're probably shallow and simplistic, but it's still there. To be honest I don't even require that to want to live a good life, but I still count it as a nice thought.

The body is just meat, so I really don't care at that point, but see above for what it actually does.

I don't particularly care if most people think of me fondly now.

See above.

And is it really so important to your self-validation that you have to be aware of the legacy you left? I'll just be happy to think that I tried to leave the world a little better than I found it - whether I succeeded or not won't really be concerning me at that point. I don't need to know exactly what impact I had after I'm gone - I tried, that's enough.

For a day or so. What about those who lived days? In comparison Jesus had it easy.

Some people can change their views on a whim or after good rhetoric, others require actual evidence to do so.

I am at this moment doing what I feel is best.

That you seem to think there is no reason to be a good person without a nebulous, supernatural authority hanging over you to pass down codes of behaviour.

I mean really, do you actually need some sort of deity to tell you 'hurting people is bad'? If you do then I am seriously concerned and would recommend psychiatric help.

If that's the case why not simply accord to your own morals?
Keanu has the facial expression of a rock.
For the matrix, this works out ok. For other movies it is downright silly.
This is strictly my opinion but what it says to me is a lack of self esteem and confidence, a lack of compassion and a lack of empathy. You don't trust your own judgement to make the right choices and you need an authority figure to tell you what to do. You also have issues dealing with people who disagree with you because of your lack of connection.

That is simply my opinion but that's how it feels to me.