Absolute mind control...


Mar 17, 2008
It has it over me. I can't stop looking at it. The urge to pet its little belly are overwhelming me... I... am... its .... slave...
I have figured it out. He is actually Satan's most powerful weapon. Think about it... an army of THESE GUYS and we're all defensless.. He's evil... oh yes he IS.... oh yesss he IS... he's just a wittle ball of furry evil... GAH! STOP THAT!
Reminds me of the prophecy of the Antichrist, how he'll come preaching peace and love and stuff. Look at that thing! But get too close, and ... I dunno, I've never read the bible, but presumably he'll eat your soul and steal your identity or something, and suddenly you're running phone bills to Chile porn lines you never knew existed!

True story. Read it on wikipedia.
RIGHT?!??! I mean HE'S GOT A BINKYYYYY!!!!! If anyone can look at that and NOT go "AAAWWWwwww" they're dead, period.
And with that statement you once again claim the title of my new best friend. Let the "every-5-minute" phone calls COMMENCE!

btw my dad says he thinks thats why God made animals so cute. So that people will want to look after them. Dominion over the animals and all that. as the bible says. Dad says they're cute so that people would care for them and love them.