Adderall Newbie! Need help please! :)?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Hey everyone! I just started (first time ever) taking a generic version of Adderall IR (not extended release) on Tuesday. I was prescribed 30 mg and was told to cut them in half and take 15 mg once a day. So, on Tuesday I took the 15 mg pill early in the morning (6:30am) and started feeling affects by 7:30. I think because it was my first day, mixed with emotions, nerves and the first reaction to the drug I felt awesome-all day! On Wednesday I took the pill at the same time in the morning and again felt the effects within the hour. However, on this day it started to wear off around lunch time (1:00pm). I started to become a little more stressed and frantic, a little more unfocused and a slight bit irritable. Today, Thursday I took the pill again, same time, and once again noticed it wearing off around lunch. However this time around 6:00pm (when I am in my nursing pre-reqs class [the place I really need to be focused!!!]) I felt so extremely tired that I literally heard nothing the teacher lectured on...... :(
Now that I am done with my little rant I guess my question is for past users or current to help give me an idea if this is normal. I will probably finish out this week and call my Dr. on Monday if the same issues continue but in the meantime is there any ideas on what to do? I feel so (so) great when the medicine is at its best and I just would like that feeling to last-definitely through my class time! Thank you to everyone who responded and any information will help tremendously! Thanks again and have a great night! :)
Thank you Parker for your opinion. However I am an adult who is actually diagnosed from a real Dr. to take this medication. I dont take this medicine because I want to, its because I need to. And I do not take drugs for fun. I don't even smoke. SO thanks but no thanks.