African Cichlid fish tank?


New member
Mar 22, 2013
So these are pretty cool fish. Probably the most colorful I have seen of freshwater. I am thinking about doing a 60g. I feel like I wouldn't mind having a cichlid tank. Or maybe have a 60g community and a 30 cichlid or something idk... Anyway I am looking on youtube and there is some big time differences. If you would please look at these couple examples real quick I would appreciate it.

These tanks are awesome! They seem like they have a lot of fish in them though? Do these seem to be over stocked? What is the recommended amount of fish per gallon with these guys. I know the general rule of thumb but I am seeing a lot of neat tanks with a whole lot of them in there. Also I have seen electric yellow ones at about 6.99 or so. These aren't too expensive are they?