Am I a lesbian? What do you think?


New member
Apr 8, 2009
I'm 13.
I know I'm young.
I've never had a boyfriend before (not unusual for my age, I know)
But still
I've never really been interested in guys.

And I have a pretty huge crush on my best friend at the moment (she's a girl too)
I've been thinking a lot about her and how I'd like to touch her, and show her how I feel about her.... :S

So, what do you guys think?
it's eather that or your bicurious. it may be what people call a girl crush but idk what that is
I think that's awesome and if this is what you feel in your heart is the right thing to do, then do it.
An interest in the same sex, or for a warm body of ANY sex is quite common among young people.

Don't try to put a label on yourself. You can go crazy that way. Just love who you want to love, and live how you want to live.
Ha, well you may just be plain horny. If you are into other girls too and check them out a lot then yeah you might be! Hmmm, only you can really know. I suggest not really telling your bff that though cause she might get creeped out. But you could tell her about you and see what she says. She might be willing to experiment, that's how it was with my best friend.
Your not a lesbian, your not anything, your 13. Alot of people your age don't have an interest in the opposite sex yet. I also don't think gay people should be able to get married.