Am I been selfish, but I've had to deal with suicide, been a lesbian and cancer?


New member
Apr 8, 2009
I have recently fallen out with all of my family and just don't want them in my life anymore - there not awful people but I just don't like them. Over the last 7 or so years I have had to come to terms with coming out as a lesbian, dealing with the suicides of my brother in law and sister in law, deal with my father in law going through chemotherapy and many other issues and problems that go with the territory. I recently blew up at my brother who I really dislike, I have never liked him but due to the fact he has a 18 month old son wanted to be part of his and his families life (probably a selfish act by me as I will never have my own children but do have a 14 year old step son who the family have never really bothered with that much!) The thing is my brother keeps getting praised by everyone as to how supportive he has been and how much he loves me? This amazes me he has done some pretty shit things over the years and has had most member of the family in tears at some point by his nastiness, but he just seems to be allowed to do what he wants and everyone things he's great. So now I have stood up and said actually I don't like you and don't want to be part of your lives my family can't understand why I would do that! When my brother in law died all of my family except me and my family (usual practice) were holidaying together, when I contacted they to tell them what had happened they said there there and finished the rest of their holiday off another 5 days - all of them Mam, Dad, Brother, Sister, Sister in law - I'm very confused and angry at so many things and am seeking professional advice - Am I selfish to be annoyed at these people and is it right that I feel full of guilt that I don't really like them and that I think the family just stick their heads in the sand?
I don't think you are being selfish at all. We can't choose our
families but nowhere does it say we have to like them. Put them
behind you and enjoy your life without any guilt feelings
i hate family 2,im 13 and i think they so annoying sumtime and yes they do stick there head in the sand
You feel the way you do for a reason. I don't really get on with my family and have very little contact although I am trying to build bridges with my mum but she does male it really difficult. If you feel that you do not want to have anymore contact with them then that is your choice. You are not alone in having these feelings and many people will be able to relate to you in some way. Just live your life the way you want and be happy. As Bon Jovi said "It's my life"
They sound selfish and nasty and im surprised such a level headed person can have come from those nasty people. Don't worry about them, concentrate on your immediate family and your stepson. Until they can learn to be civil, they dont deserve your company.

You go, girl x