Am I cruel for laughing at Michael jackson jokes after he died?

you have the right to laugh at any joke, for example, I respect the man and never had any bad vibe towards him and i believe he never did anything to that kid, but if the joke about him is funny, hell im going to laugh...
I have a belief with which many people disagree, but it makes sense to me. That is if no one is harmed by your jokes, they are okay. Clearly it is not okay to make jokes in people's earshot when it might cause them emotional pain. When somebody cannot and will not hear the jokes, it's okay. "No harm, no foul."
Not necessarily. I laughed at Michael Jackson jokes before he died, what's the difference now?
No, if you think its funny thats just how you feel. Its not illegal to laugh, you can't help what you think is funny so I say don't worry about it.
Jokes about someone famous who has died is normal process of moving on. Otherwise people will always be in a state of mourning which is not healthy.
i guess it all comes to if YOU think its cruel. i mean its not good to make fun of a human being like that, but its really up to your standerds of cruel.
yes. he's going to come back from the dead and get his revenge. Unless you're an adult or a girl, then he won't want anything to do with you.