Am I lesbian? Is she into me? Please help I need some reassurance?


Apr 10, 2008
Hi, thanks for reading this because I'm desperate for help...

I thought I was a normal 17 year old girl until a few months ago, when I met her...

Ok, so I've had a couple of boyfriends before, even long term - 8 months, but it never ever felt right. Kisses would just seem awkward, and I've never enjoyed a kiss with a guy. I'd never let them go further than kissing. Those relationships ended as it just didn't seem right.

Whenever I realised that a guy who I found cute liked me, and was about to ask me out, I'd run a mile in the opposite direction, doing my best to avoid them and I haven't had a crush on a guy in over a year..

It wasn't until a few months ago that I started having these really strong feelings for a female friend of mine. She seems to be completely straight, interested in guys and stuff, but always jokes around about us getting married.
Whenever we're together, we're always hugging and holding hands - if alone, or even with other people. - even if we were to meet up in town, just us 2, we'd hold hands..
Whenever we touch I swear, I get this rush of electricity running through my body. I feel alive, and want to feel like that forever and ever.
Now, shes very popular with the lads, and often ends up kissing guys in clubs, and talks about crushes on guys.

I have no idea whether I'm gay or not. But having such strong feelings for someone - like I've never had before makes me think that I am. I've never felt like this before, such a feeling of ecstasy, and love.

Any clues to whether I'm gay, or this is just a phase? - That's the big question right now. I need some reassurance.

I've always noticed beautiful girls, but ever since this I find myself looking at their boobs and legs so much more..
it may just be a phase. if you are bi or a lesbain, do not let it take over your life. embrace it and you will feel so much better.
Just be who you are, Sweet Pea, and do what you FEEL like doing (so long as it does not harm you or others...) time she hugs you, give her a kiss on the cheek and then laugh...nature will take its course...

The last thing in the world that you want to do is meet & marry a guy who is "okay", have seven kids, then wake up one morning when you are sixty years old and realize "Damn, I think I prefer girls!"....

Life is short, and girls can be SO cute!
well firstly this is so so sweeeeet! :D
secondly: you are only 17 and it is normal for girls to go through a stage like this im the same age as you and i find alot of girls very attractive.
you dont want to ruin you friendship by saying "i fancy you" but drop hints by telling her how pretty she is.
maybee get her alone one day to watch a film, get close and hug or w.e and then look at her a smile. see how she reacts. she is she goes to kiss you but dont kiss her first.
you should be able to tell by the way she looks at you.
awww this made me feel really happy. i hope it goes well!! lots of love and luck! xx
I hate to say it hun but I really don't think she is into you like that. A lot of straight girls hold hands, joke bout marriage etc, without giving homosexuality a second thought. Plus she seems to like guys by the sound of it, a lot.

It's quite possibly a phase, I mean, You said this is a recent thing. you may be gay, you may be bi, you may be straight. Honestly with only one proper girl crush on your list, it's impossible to tell right now. It could be an anomaly, a one off. I always knew i was gay, but I've had a guy crush before and questioned myself similarly, e.g looking at guys. I think you need to feel like that again over another girl before you can get a bettter idea of yourself. And if you don't well yeah I guess you are probably most likely straight. But if you do, If you later find you are infact gay/bi, then thats just the way it is, you just have to learn to accept yourself for who you are and be confidant.

I recommend you watch sugar rush. theres 2 series. downloadable on itunes, or you may find it on, or it may still be on youtube. It's about a teenage girl who has a crush on her straight best friend.