Am i the only lesbian that goes through this ?


New member
Sep 21, 2011
So, im a 17 year old lesbian. I have alwayse been a lesbian, i knew since i was a little kiddo. Anyway, all of my crushes have been on straight girls, i go for veryyy girly girls, long flowy hair, nice body, large breasts , cute style and beautiful eyes the whole package. Every single crush i have is a hopeless straight crush and i let myself and my heart down everytime i fall for a new girl which is like 1 or 2 times a year. I feel like there is no point in trying anymore. And no offence to butch lesbians, i respect you and all but they are just not my type because im a lesbian for a reason, im into GIRLS which means they dress, look and act like women. Not boys lol ! and its not all about the vagina for me, its all about the kisses and cuddling.

So do you know any lesbians that go through this too ? or am i just a lost case ?
It happens to me too. Don't worry, one of them may like you as well. My first girlfriend (really girly girl- a model) she was straight and until now (7 years later) I'm the only girl she's ever been with. My point is, you may have crushes on straight girls but that doesn't mean that one of them won't like you back.
ooh yea. that is (was) my dilemma. i always go for the femme girls. i didn't start getting any luck with them until i was older. no one believes my current girlfriend is into girls because she looks "straight" lol but i love it. you'll find her one day. don't give up. she'll be worth the wait love. just be patient.
I'm also a femme who prefers femmes, but in defense of butches, just because they dress androgynously, doesn't mean they act like boys :) Well, some do, but not all!

Anyway, once you're older, you'll be able to go to lesbian bars and it will be much easier to find a compatible young woman. Easier, but not easy. I've found most lesbians in the US are butch to some degree. There are many more femmes in my home country, the Netherlands.