Am I weird for being bored by these conversations / interests?


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I have a good friend, and of course i care about her.
But all she talks about is guys. we are 25 years old. and the way she talks is ridiculous. She talks about guys, meeting guys, what guys she likes, etc. I like to discuss deeper things. I am interested in philosophy and law. I do like hanging out wtih her, but to me, it's more like i'd like to catch up and see how we're doing or learn something new. All she wants to do is go to a bar. Every weekend, i think that is what she does.

To me, that's boring.
I am sure she thinks I am boring too. But sometimes I wonder if I am the only one on early who doesn't go out every weekend, drink and get hungover, hoping to meet a new guy.
I dont want to date some random guy I meet in a bar.

Last time i hung out with her and her other friend, they talked the whole time about which guy they are interested in, who they slept with last, and shopping.
My boyfriend is friends with her too and when i hang out with her, he asks, "did she pay any attention to you or was she talking about boys the whole time?"

Am i just very strange, or is my friend very strange? she comes across incredibly shallow and insecure (she also complains she is "fat" all the time)
oops, second paragraph - early = earth