Amateur Photography

Crap yoda you have to tell me what kind of eqiupiment you use so I can do that How far is that zoomed in??
That's the 35mm equivalent of a 750mm focal length.

I use a Nikon D70 Digital SLR.

The lense in question is a "Sigma 50-500mm HSM APO DG EX"
Wow Yoda you have to tell me what you use to take pics like that. Digital Camera?? And how far in that zoomed in?? I was happy with my 10x zoom lol
A D70 huh Yoda? That's a nice bit of kit. I recently got my dirty mitts on some money, and was considering buying a D50. Was wondering if anyone here had experience with it, or it's rival, the Canon EOS 350D. It's a bit of a toss up between them.
Alas, gone are the days when us traditionalist photographers reigned supreme. Now non-digital SLRs are relegated to the bottoms of wardrobes everywhere, and colour prints are the new black & white (again). Gone is the golden age of photography, rather the age of cell-phone cameras is at hand. (End of nostalgic rant).

I suppose I'm an amateur photographer, only I used to sell much of my work (with the rise of photoshop, its becoming increasingly difficult to sell the real thing). Havn't had much time for it this year though I'm afraid (and my SLR is somewhere at the bottom of my wardrobe).
Indian Tiger fast asleep

Fishing Cat - sadly through glass

Clouded Leopard - by far one of the most beautiful cats out there
A few shots i took with our normal Digi camera, not wonderful but i was chuffed. Especially with the third one.
i haven't been on these forums that long, so i haven't looked through all the posts on this thread yet. will do shortly.

but i'm a pro photographer, and if anyone wants any help with their pics, give me a shout.

a really good place to find info and help is on the photography forums at deviantart:
Some hightlight pics from my easter Mt Arapiles trip, unfortunatly most days the light was crap so the pics arnt that great:

The rest can be found here
I thought I'd post this shot I took a couple weeks ago when I was on safari.... this particular gorilla just loved striking poses for me
Lovely picture - you are a lucky girl.

Classic low-block. If he steps forward with his right foot and punches with his right hand then I'll be well impressed
yes it is.

I have a few more of her and her friends, who I believe were male. Reason I believe that is that every shot I tried to take of them they would turn around and moon me
Yep, sounds male to me!

I still have six rolls of film from playing with my new lens to develope. One day.