American in the UK - what do they have to eat?

Toad in the hole. It's the only classic English meal that I can get my (French) girlfriend to cook and it's delicious!

Also, for the person who can't quite face real haggis, vegetarian haggis is really nice and comes without sheep innards and offal.
Even in a French accent, it must be offputting to constantly hear, "Burt awhen do ah get to meet Meetch?"

Oh well. I know a strawberry flavoured yoghurt sent it spinning from his hand. Poor Ernie.

I feel the thread has taken a different course. Have we exhausted all the British food?
Plus it's sort of the point of a thread on new things to try for an American in Great Britain that the things recommended be, well, British?

This^! You can either find a really good local cake/coffee shop that bakes it's own stuff, or go the whole hog and find a really posh hotel that does the silver teapot and platter thing and go there.