An interesting twist in my novel ?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
I am an author and writing a thriller novel which is very interesting. I am at the middle of it and it is based on a woman whose family was killed by a man and she takes on revenge later on. I am at a sequence where the woman who is the main character has to kidnap a kid from the kid's home to take him hostage. The kid is very dear to the man from whom she has to take revenge. The boy is around 5-6 yrs old. I am finding it hard ,how to plan the entire kidnapping as it has to be interesting showing the woman's vengeance. The boy is sleeping in his room and the man is sleeping in another room. The woman breaks into the house at night. Now, i am confused deciding the attire of the lady. Should it be :-
1. masked with black leather gloves.
2. or normal dress without any dangerous looking attire.

Now, how should she approach the kidnapping? How should she take the kid away without waking the man up who is asleep in another room. How can she prevent the kid from screaming ? I just cant combine the entire scene so that it looks thrilling. What all things should the woman use ? For eg - chloroform or something like that to make the kid unconscious. Pls help me in writing this scene. Thanks in advance.
If this is just a child and she is an attractive woman she could trick this little boy into thinking she's the tooth fairy and he has to go and collect his money cause she couldn't bring it upstairs or in the house.

I know that's a demented way to think about it because it betrays the boy's trust but if she approaches the situation innocently so the boy doesn't freak and scream. This might alsot be a good way of tricking the boy into "sneaking away from daddy" as a game.
the women should wear chose 1. and she should use chloroform to put the kid unconscious or just hit him with somthing to knock him out.
im uncomfortable talking about this with it being kidnapping and a child. its creepy... but im going to pretend its for an adult and a rescue mission instead without them freaking out.

she should be in clad black to protect her identity. im guessing shes wanting to play head games. if neighbors describe her that may tip the guy off to know who it is etc...

chloroform would work or maybe even a quick shot of something (youll have to google that) to keep person sleeping. then just walk out smooth like. or climb whichever. if climbing then maybe make sure she brings a backpack or one of those things they carry kids on that are like a backpack.
maybe the needle will make him kinda briefly scream and the dad wakes up to check briefly and she has to hide behind the door or closet or under the bed inches from the man or something.