And then there were 2

I know that dogs live in the moment. They really don't know what there doing. It just hurts to lose a pet you have had for like 3 years. Especially when I walked outside and saw her. That tore me up.





Win for you.

And just for further entertainment:

Imagine unloading that on that retarded canine piece of shit.

dog: oh shit, when i bite this cat, he doesnt seem to like it.
wtf am i doing?

no. it's instinct, they KNOW it'll kill them, when you annoy the fuck out of a dog, they dont bite you cuz they dont know what they're doing, they bite you to hurt your annoying ass.

you fail.
cats fucking suck compared to dogs...theyre cool as kittens, but when they turn into cats all they do is mope around, thats why dogs are called mans best friend
I am saddened to hear of your loss. Have you reported this to animal control? If they will do nothing- I am ashamed to say- antifreeze may be the best option. Be sure yours & your neighbor's pets are safely locked away.
Yea we called animal control, but they did nothing. The dogs came back to look for the cat that got tree'd. We chased them off and then saw them running through a neighbors yard. We got all our neighbor's pets in. Animal control was looking in other places. So yes I think I'm going to antifreeze them. >.>