Another question for Christians, pretty much anyone who's religion has an...


New member
Jun 17, 2008
...upcomming apacolypse? If the end is comming soon.
Should we stop going to school?
Why should I continue my college when it's all going to end.

All the work we done, our dreams. All the younger people hoping to be what they want to be when they grow up.

Many of us have talents. Wether it's drawing, music, writing etc.

Wouldn't all that effort and work be a waste?

This is one thing I dont like about religion. I cant hate religion, but at the same time, I cant help questioning it. So many things that bother me.
So many end of the world prophecies. First it was 2K, then 06/06/06, now we're scaring ourselves into dreading 2012.

Why cant we just all follow our religions, but also not make everyone paranoid?
Why cant we all just follow our religions, and encourage our world to grow and look to the future with hope.
I hope humanity can one day live on other planets, one day live in space, one day do all these things in the far future. Rather than thinking we're about to reach the end of the road.
It scares me, and also makes me wish I was never born in this "end times" era.
Too much hysteria, too much fear, too much hopelessness.

Also, if these prophecies are comming true, why are we letting them? The wars, why is humanity willing to fulfill them?
I heard someone say a good qoute.
"If we let things keep going the way they are. Children of the future will ask us why we just sat there and let these little kings ruin the world."
We sit back, watch these world leaders gamble with our lives. Maybe we deserve this. Sucks for us who just want to live and be happy..

But anyway, does anyone else feel the same way?

For Christians and other Catholics, do you really think the end is comming soon? Or do you feel it's not here yet, and this is just hysteria?

Well, now I'm just going to concentrate on other things. I just had this in my mind for a while. I feel like I'm driving myself crazy with all this.
We are to live out lives in peace and not fret about the end of things. This is why I don't pay much attention to preachers who only talk about the end of the world. BTW, the world will still be turning after it's "end". Yes, there will be an Apocalypse, complete with the war at Armageddon, seven headed dragons, the Four Horsemen, and a total, but temporary, breakdown of the worldwide grid, I suspect. But, when the smoke clears, there will still be survivors who will pick up the mess and get on with life. Things will be very different after Christ takes over, but it will all settle down and you should still be able to continue your education, or career, or whatever, assuming you live through it. Something to look forward to. Christ was very existential in His teachings and told His disciples to not fret over this, so I'm sure He would tell you the same. Just live for now. The past is buried, and tomorrow is not promised to you. I doubt this will happen in our life time anyway.
Religion never made the claims the world would end in 2000 and that the world would end in 2012.

The secular world is making those claims.

Scientist have said there will be major events that could end life as we know it in 2012 or the mayan calendar which ends in 2012 or other self proclaimed prophets.

These were not religions.

The bible speaks of a end that will come in the way we live now by the rapture and the tribulation period. That will happen but it is not the end of the World. Jesus will put a stop to it before the end is reached.

With the signs the bible says will be the tribulation could be in about the next 25 years give or take a few years. Jesus said when the signs start it will come quickly and not drag out.

Once Iran and the middle east countries get nuclear weapons the time predicted will happen. Israel will rebuild their temple as predicted.
While there is life, there is hope. I do not know when it will end, but I know God knows.
We really don't know whether things will end in 2012. It could happen, but we can't live life in the land of "could". In the meantime, just continue with your life. People have been speculating about the "end time" for over 2000 years. Indeed the early followers of Jesus thought that the end of everything was just around the corner. Just chill, dude, and live your life since that's really all you can do.
I want to make this clear. I don't know when the end is coming and any one who tells you that they do is fooling themselves.

Here's some proof...
"Then I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one sitting on the throne.The scroll was written on both sides and kept closed by seven seals." Revelation chapter 5 verse 1

I believe that this scroll holds the answer to the question "When will the world end?" Revelation ch. 5 vs. 3 says "but there was no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth who could open the scroll and look inside." Verse 5 "But one of the elders said to me, 'Do not cry! (the author is crying at this point) The Lion from the tribe of Judah, David's descendant, has won the victory so that he is able to open the scroll and its seven seals."

Jesus is called the Lion of Judah in a few other places in the bible.

That is proof that no one, (I repeat) NO ONE, knows when the world will end, except for Jesus.

The book of Revelation is an admit ably scary book about the end of the world. The reason that I don't get hysterical about the fact that the world could end in the next second with out me realizing it is because I know that I am ready for it to end. I have except Jesus as my savior and I know that I won't have to suffer through all that stuff because Jesus all ready has my attention and has no reason to try and get it thought the Tribulation period.


The prophecies are coming true because God is fulfilling them. Mankind has no control over what God does. We can choose to be a part of it or not but we can't change his will. If the children of the feature ask us about it we can tell them that.

We unfortunately do deserve death. That's where the grace of Jesus comes in. He makes life unfair and gives us the chance to choose a new life we don't deserve. People that blame sin on Eve aren't being fair. When we were kids we all disobeyed or took something that didn't belong to us. It sounds stupid but it is sin. We all deserve to die and we are given a second chance we shouldn't get.

Please, please don't stop living life. The world my not end for centuries. God wants you to live your life to the fullest everyday and let tomorrow worry about itself. It the world ends tomorrow fine. I can live with that because I know that if it does I lived today with God and doing the things he wanted me too.

Here's a bit of encouragement. This is one of my favorite Psalms. When ever I have doubts about the feature these two verses help me to no end.

"I could say, 'The darkness will hide me. Let the light around me turn to night.' but even the darkness is not dark to you. The night is as light as the day; darkness and light are the same to you." Psalm 139: 11-12

If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask. I use my MSN account way more than this one so its better to send questions to that one, [email protected].
First of all, breathe. Revelation is at the back of the book for a reason, in my opinion. It's because you have to get to know Jesus before you get there.

So first, before you ever contemplate the end, get to know Jesus as your Savior. Put your trust in Him.

He said some things about the end in Matthew, too. But He also said, "Occupy 'til I come."

So, you don't quit school, quit your job, stop paying your bills and/or generally go into frenzy.

Jesus' return is a glorious event. Let Him find you busy doing what He wants you to do!