ANOTHER ---> Quiz/Survey :)?


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Hey so i posted one up yesterday and the response was great! so i thought i'd just type up another one :)
You know the drill :)

1. Do you believe in supernatural lifeforms (you know, like demons and stuff)?
2. What's one thing you could NOT live without?
3. Is music your escape?
4. Do you believe in fate?
5. The last thing you said was?
6. Is there anything you know you HAVE to do before you die?
7. Favourite lyrics?
8. Got a job?
9. Do you believe that everyone can be saved?
10. Describe yourself in 5 words :)

Well there you go! hope you liked it!
have a peace week guys :)
-- Jesse xo ?

Oh and here's my answers :)

1. Certainly :)
2. My friends, if it wasn't for them i'd be nothing :)
3. Definately :)
4. Yep :)
5. "No thanks mum."
6. I HAVE to ride a wave over 20ft, and i have to volunteer for a company like GreenPeace or World Vision :)
7. Too many to fit on this website :)
8. Sure do :)
9. Yes, well, almost everyone...
10. Aussie, Teen, Scene, Sporty, Musical
Oh and also my reason for believing in supernatural life forms is that i've seen the future. Once a week i have these weird twisted dreams, but evidently they almost always come true, i believe this is a sign i have been blessed with a curse :)
1. Do you believe in supernatural lifeforms (you know, like demons and stuff)? i believe in a ghosts a spidge, otherwise not really
2. What's one thing you could NOT live without? oxygen ;)
3. Is music your escape? sometimes
4. Do you believe in fate? a little
5. The last thing you said was? ok
6. Is there anything you know you HAVE to do before you die? not really, no :)
7. Favourite lyrics? too much, too young (specials)
8. Got a job? yep
9. Do you believe that everyone can be saved? 100%
10. Describe yourself in 5 words :) no, it's too difficult :)
1. Do you believe in supernatural lifeforms? ~ No
2. What's one thing you could NOT live without? ~ My family
3. Is music your escape? ~ It is indeed :)
4. Do you believe in fate? ~ Yep
5. The last thing you said was? ~ "Yeah, thanks"
6. Is there anything you know you HAVE to do before you die? ~ ....
7. Favourite lyrics? ~ Ohh there's a lot!
8. Got a job? ~ No D: I want one but there's no work around..
9. Do you believe that everyone can be saved? ~ Yeah
10. Describe yourself in 5 words :) ~ a bit of a weirdo
1. Do you believe in supernatural lifeforms (you know, like demons and stuff)?
2. What's one thing you could NOT live without?
3. Is music your escape?
4. Do you believe in fate?
A little.
5. The last thing you said was?
"I've got diarrhea."
6. Is there anything you know you HAVE to do before you die?
See HIM live.
7. Favourite lyrics?
"The girl who cried love, won't you come and play with me"
8. Got a job?
9. Do you believe that everyone can be saved?
10. Describe yourself in 5 words :)
1. Do you believe in supernatural lifeforms (you know, like demons and stuff)? Somewhat
2. What's one thing you could NOT live without? My phone. Though i hate it, i still have a lot of stuff in there.
3. Is music your escape? Yes
4. Do you believe in fate? Yes
5. The last thing you said was? "Im not going right now. Probably later."
6. Is there anything you know you HAVE to do before you die? Do something daredevil ish.
7. Favourite lyrics? I have a lot.
8. Got a job? No
9. Do you believe that everyone can be saved? Yeah
10. Describe yourself in 5 words :) Funny, sarcastic, smart, independent, and open minded.
1.) No
2.) Internet & family
3.) Yeah
4.) Undecided
5.) Mum, your chocolate fudge smells great.
6.) Get laid :D
7.) None really
8.) No, but I want to get one soon.
9.) Yes
10.) Aussie, teen, smart, shy, tech-savey

Additional Details:
My dreams are never what happen in real life for me, otherwise:
I would have kids at the age of 14, with millions of dollars to give tham after i was killed after someone stabbed me when they stole my car.
*well at least they're my most recent dreams.
1. Do you believe in supernatural lifeforms (you know, like demons and stuff)? Not really. I'm more of the practical and this-stuff-is-illogical type of person.

2. What's one thing you could NOT live without? My iPod. Ah. It's my life. :p

3. Is music your escape? No. Writing is my escape.

4. Do you believe in fate? Yes.

5. The last thing you said was? 'Yes, mom. Please.'

6. Is there anything you know you HAVE to do before you die? Go to the UK

7. Favourite lyrics? 'Don't let them say you ain't beautiful, they can all get fuc**ed just stay true to you.' - Beautiful by Eminem

8. Got a job? Full time student. :p

9. Do you believe that everyone can be saved? Not really.

10. Describe yourself in 5 words :) Crazy, weird, funny, serious and A major Potter maniac.
1. Well sometimes if you know what i mean.
2. Im assuming you mean something about i really Like. I guess animals/nature or internet.
3. What do i have to escape? No
4. No
5. "Not yet"
6. Well way too many things.
7. Idk
8. Do what i want
9. From what?
10. Only others can answer that.
1. Yes. I am actually quite certain there is a ghost residing in my home.
2. Caffeine. I desperately need some, as I'm pulling an all-nighter.
3. Definitely.
4. I sure do.
5. "Mom, can I have some coffee?"
6. Yes. I have to overcome all my fears before I can die knowing I've done everything I wanted.
7. I have a lot, but one of my favorites is, "Somewhere perfection lies, but not for you and I."
8. Nope, but the day I turn fourteen I'm heading over to Chick-Fil-A and applying,
9. Everyone who is meant to be saved will be saved.
10. I am frickin' awesome, man.
1. Yeah, a bit. I've always been brought up around creepy stuff, my Mum's a pretty heavy believer.
2. People I care about (aka friends and family)
3. Yep
4. Kinda :/
5. "I'm fine, thanks"
6. I have to either have or adopt a litter of kids.
7. I can't just pluck one out of thin air!
8. Not atm, no :(
9. I hope so.
10. Energetic, spunky, British, defensive, loving.
1. Do you believe in supernatural lifeforms (you know, like demons and stuff)? Yep - God, ghosts, demons, spirits etc.

2. What's one thing you could NOT live without? Love

3. Is music your escape? Hell yeah

4. Do you believe in fate? Yes - I have weird dreams too. Just not as often.

5. The last thing you said was? "Oh you want out? Here you go" (to my kitteh)

6. Is there anything you know you HAVE to do before you die? Get a life insurance? Jokes, uh... Join the Air Force or Navy XD

7. Favourite lyrics? Too many but mainly Marilyn Manson, Dream On, Dreamer , BMTH etc.

8. Got a job? Does being my friends' psychologist count?

9. Do you believe that everyone can be saved? No.

10. Describe yourself in 5 words :)
Gothic, smart, self-conscious, introvert, random