any helpful advice for me?


Mar 3, 2008
Ok friends, I am just 17 years old, 5’6” tall and weigh around 120 pounds. When I was a bit younger I left out a lot of meals and ate seldom. Could the poor nutrition I had when was 12 and 13 have permanent to me? If so, is it possible to recompense for any kind of growth I might have missed out on? Is it possible that I just have not reached a time to grow yet? What is your opinion? Is there any helpful advice for me?

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Chances are you're near to your finished height but you never know. Eating well now isn't going to do you any harm so get on with it.
Don't worry about your height and nobody else will, plenty of 5' women out there.
I was already 6'3" when I hit high school, and 6'6" when I finished, but my father, who's now 6'3, was just 5'11" when he finished high school, and he grew his last 4 inches in college.

The point is, everybody has a different schedule for gettin' big and sexy. Just eat right, do all the healthy BS you know you need to do, and maybe you'll hit your spurt. Maybe you won't, but hey, you should always stay healthy regardless.
The men in my family kept growing into their twenties, too. I actually had to read your post a second time, though, because nothing struck me as odd about being 5' 6" the first time through.

That said, I did read somewhere that "normal nutrition usually restores normal growth".

I would be sure to eat a lot of calcium rich foods, I think. Hang in there!
Welcome to map, i wouldn't worry about your height, i'm 5'4" and now 35 years old.
Although at 17 you could still have another growth spurt before you stop growing altogether. Being short isn't all that bad, i was still getting on the buses for a childs rate until i was 18! Saved a fortune. Also your head is at just the right height when dancing with tall buxom ladies!!!