Any Hunters?

Thats my point. WHats the sport in sitting in a tree with a deer gun shooting a deer from 80 yards away? Yes it would be stupid but I'm just trying to present a scenario where the animal has a chance to fight.....and canned hunts, lets not go down that road. A canned hunt is a hunt in a fenced off area where the animals can't get away....
I agree with you on some points. But here in Wisconsin people, lots of them, shoot the animals, take the head and leave the body on the side of the road or in the woods. You cant' convince me also that people eat a whole moose or bear or wolf or mountain lion or whatever critter you happen to be popping shots at. I do agree that herds do need to be culled at times. But I've never heard of bear populations exploding.
You can't tell me that there aren't hunting regulations in Wisconsin. Wasting an animal in most jurisdictions is illegal. If you are referring to poachers, that's a different story because poacher aren't "hunters". And yes, people would eat all the meat on a moose. It take some people years to successfully hunt moose, so wasting the animal would be counterproductive. And just because you've never heard of bear populations exploding doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Grizzly and black bear are 2 seperate species. We have black bear in Ontario and the population is out of control. Come for a visit, I'll show you.
You are making it sound easy. Shooting a deer from a stand at 80 yards can be very difficult. Just spotting a deer on a hunt can be hard, let alone getting a safe, clear and humane kill shot.

Have you hunted before?
Holy hell, we're on the same side of an argument. Satan must be freezing his nuts off today.
None other than it starts to remind me of Heather Mills showing up in Newfoundland and telling the locals to stop the seal hunt.
For figures regarding black bear/mountain lion/white tail population explosions in the US see DEC figures.Or come visit me to see white tails in vast excess!

I should add that hunters,working as conservation groups since the early 1900s,have saved more species and had more protective legislation passed in regard to animals in the wild in the US than environmental groups.You can look it up.

When the Bighorn Sheep in California-(a species saved from extinction around 1900 due to protective action by hunting groups)-disappears,if they haven't yet, I hope people will give credit where credit is due,to the anti-hunters who banned lion hunting in California.(Forget about the rise in attacks on people).

Kwaj-I assure you we ate all the beef from our cattle when we butchered one.I also assure you they're bigger than deer.So your statement about how much game folks eat,or don't, well....think about weights and measures next time.Oh yeah,we ate all the deer meat products,too.

"Yes it would be stupid but I'm just trying to present a scenario where the animal has a chance to fight."

I'm not going to give cattle a chance to fight me,why would I give a fill_in_the_blank a chance?The object is to kill the animal,not see who's the baaaaddest,as people usually aren't,except against rabbits.I think the same held true in Paleolithic times.

I'm not going to deny that there are are people who hunt who do stupid,illegal,and wasteful things as you mentioned.Or that there are things one may hunt for reasons other than consumption.If we still had cattle and there were lions around....but I don't know if I'd eat the lion.I've eaten predators before.Tho' coming from a certain worldview I might feel obligated.
I don't know if I'm going to stay in this thread 'cause such topics can get very emotionally heated for some.I will say tho' I don't agree,if for nothing else simply on Taoist grounds,with anti hunters.I'll respect the opinions of those who are vegetarians on moral grounds even if I disagree w/them.

As to non-vegetarians who object to hunting,for those who haven't,how about taking some personal responsibility for your existence?Try killing,cleaning,and butchering something for yourself,a game or farm animal.Otherwise I feel such individuals' opinions are simply hypocritical."I object to hunting but I want someone to kill and process farm animals for me to eat."

'Course,if most people of the current Western Civ generations did so,they'd probably become vegetarians.

Ranzan-G.Sheps are my next fave breed.Lived w/quite a few-my family kept breaking us up due to the religious differences.
Please forgive me if this seems a silly question, but Bears are not common in these parts.

How is the animal(s) dealt with after the kill? Is all of the meat eaten, can the pelt be sold and if so how do you then go about disposing of the carcus?
In Ontario, you'd skin it, salt the hide and take it to get tanned. You'd then quarter the bear it to fit in coolers and cut your meat up at home (it is not allowed to go to the butcher due to tricda something or other - a bacteria that makes you sick). So you are butchering it yourself and freezing the meat for BBQing and stew throughout the year. You have to leave the gut pile in the bush along with the gall bladder. Possession of a gall bladder is a massive fine. You are not allowed to sell anything - meat or hide.
Further comment on the bacteria that I mentioned above. It can be present in raw meat, a group from France got sick in Canada last year after eating raw bear meat (why would you do that?). If you cook the meat to at least medium well, you will be fine.
Yes, Chinese people want to buy bear gall bladders for some type of traditional medicince. It is a practice that I find completely unethical as they will waste a bear just to get the gall bladder. Wasting game meat is illegal and regulations are in effect to prevent this. Remember hunters are conservationists and their traditions and pastime depend on healthy populations of the game they hunt.
If you think hunting a bear is cruel, look farther into what humungous mentioned about the Chinese and what they do to bears for liquid from their gull bladder. Being born and raised in Canada, I have hunted everything, Moose, bear, elk, deer you name it. The rules are strict as are the punishments for poaching, if you poach in Canada you will get caught.
I dont hunt, but have nothing against hunting, except maybe killing for fun or just for the heck of it. That's evil. But I can say, Have a good trip.