Any of you hate giving people eye contact?

rofl, that'd be so fucking creepy seeing some dude standing outside the bathroom, make eye contact and he pops this huge :D smile hahaha

But when you accidentally lock eyes with a girl you're looking at, just give her a confident smirk, look away and I guarantee she'll be eye fucking you :tup:
Its also a sign of some other semi-autistic disorders, like Asbergers (sp) syndrome.

I have a bad time keeping eye contact too. It seems really awkward. The only time I can keep really good eye contact is trying to work over sexy females. Something about strong eye contact and a confident smile wins them over.
or when you're all focused at something in the distance just staring. And some girl thinks your staring at her.
aside from the whole 90% thing, being funny comes from confidence. The opposite of funny is being awkward. Now when you're super nervous things get awkward. Like you say stupid stuff and it just gets awkward. It also really hard to get confidence w/o looks so GG.
I do, but it's not a self confidence issue. I just feel like I'm staring them down.
