Any on-set tips for rookie actors?


New member
Sep 23, 2011
Hello, im a 16 year old aspriring actor, and going to an acting school. Its not a major one but im going there to learn the fundamentals and ins and outs of acting. Also im home schooled so i cant do a drama program at a school so thats probly another reason for the school too. Anyway, i want to be a screen/film actor in life. i understand the tough and cutthroat business im getting into, but im willing to work as hard as i can because acting is what i love to do. So im almost done with my acting classes (20 week program), and im eager to start going for auditions whenever i can after im out of school. Now as i mentioned, im homeschooled, so i dont have the advantage of that experience as most other people do, but i wanted to know how it is when being on-set, for anything. Even as an extra, because thats what im planning to start with while trying to build a resume. I want to know because i want to at least have an idea of how things work. Yes my teachers are teaching me about that, but i also want to know what its like to actually be directed by a real director, on a real set, for a real production. Just so i can kind of know what to expect or at least have a clue. Im sorry if i sound at all like im asking for the wrong reasons, as thats not my intention. Im very curious, and was hoping someone with that on set experience could share that with me. If anyone could help that would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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