Anyone else accident prone/stupid?

The Health and Safety guy at my last work place came in with a black eye and a huge cut on his nose. Turned out that he lifted a chest of drawers at home and didn't take out the drawers...

Now that's the kind of health and safety I subscribe to, seeing as I'm the new health and safety guy at work...

"Hey you, stop being unsafe!" is what I'll yell.
It was a pure accident. I don't tend to listen in meetings and when I snapped out of my day dreaming I had enrolled on a First Aid at Work course and signed myself on as the Health and Safety dude and Fire Marshall...
I am also apparently the fire marshall Should be funny watching me trying to leave the building in an emergency without falling down the stairs or something similarly stupid!
I think by Fire Marshall they mean I take names when everyone has assembled in the carpark and then shrug my shoulders if someone is missing...
When I used to work in Pathology as a trainee, I was being supervised by some girl who was barely older than me.

Anyway, she was nattering at the back with the hot Avril Lavigne lookalike trainee and I was practicing my skills on a mictrotome - a machine that slices microns of tissue embedded in paraffin wax.

Being a trainee, I of course, sliced my finger open, turned round to the supervisor and said "Erm, I've cut myself" as blood seeped from my wound.

She went white and I then spent the next few hours in A&E after having read through the patient report to make sure they didn't have anything icky that could infect me.


However, this traumatic event was eleviated by the fact that the damage was on my middle finger, which looked rather smart all bandaged up. I could flip people the finger without them ever knowing...