Anyone else have an "enough" button in relationships?


Jul 3, 2008
I am a very tolerant, laid-back, forgiving person in relationships. But when the point comes that I have finally had "enough" of the negative things fromt he other person in the relationship, it feels like a switch flips in my brain and I cannot switch it back, whether I want to or not. I often get in relationships where even though I talk to the guy about things I am not happy with in the relationship, I still put up with it for a while. Then when I finally have had enough, I am just completely done with the relationship, and they can't accept it. They don't understand why I put up with it for so long and all of a sudden I'm just done. I give them lots and lots of chances, and I overlook little things. But when things are just too much to overlook, and that switch flips, I'm done. Is everyone this way?