Anyone got anything to talk about?

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I got a questio, I've got to pick up my brother at 2am from town and take him home, he lives about 10-15 miles away ... I'm not doing it for free, how much should I charge him considering it is real inconvenient to me ... I gotta be up at 9am tomorrow.
i was thinkin of buying it a good game or not? the thing fed up of playing FIFA with my brother! hehe
ah, I hate FIFA!....yeah killzone's a good game, online I play mostly, its worth going blockbuster get 2 games for آ$20 or something, that's where we got killzone 2. well its my bro's so... lol
haha yh i dont like fifa much either...i cant even play it properly coz half the time i spend scoring own goals and the other half of the time i press each button furiously waiting for somethin to happen! lol
lol sounds like me, well I aint to good at killzone either, basically running around firing my shotgun hoping that one will hit someone haha but I'm getting used to it now. Got a PS3? or 360? :)