Anyone heard of ZigCigs and or Zig Cigs electronic cigarettes?


May 18, 2008
I have been researching electronic cigarette's for a few days now and I came across a really cool website and I am curious if anyone else has been on the site? They have some really good sections regarding health and guidance for newbie’s to ecigs.
I have COPD and this has helped

I would like to key in and explain why I looked at a electronic cigarette. I was recently diagnosed with COPD and it was my doctor who advised me to look into electronic cigarette’s. I looked at a few reviews and bought a Blu Cig and waited for several weeks. I tried it and it was a good product but I was still smoking. After a few weeks I pretty much was tired of the electronic cigarette and gave it up.

At work a friend of mine larry started electronic cigarette’s when I did but no longer smoked regular cigarette’s. After two months he was going strong and I could not beliee it. I finally talked to him in the break room and he new allot including the quality of units. He did about two weeks of research before he bought and bought from zig cigs. I must say Larry’s product was good so I looked into it again.

I bought my zigcigs about two weeks ago. What a difference after just two days I no longer use real cigarette’s. I even phoned my doctor about the difference.

I am now smoke freee after a month and am putting my review where ever I can.

Big thumbs up for I am really greatful and a lifetime customer.

If you have bought crappy ecigs try the one at zigcigs, I personally can review that they are worth there weight in gold.

Smoke Free!

Daryll W.
I have been using them for awhile, very dependable and good product. If you get a chance you can actually contact Shawn which is super cool.
get what you pay for

My advice to other web surfers, you get what you pay for and this is so true with Shaun at Zig Cigs. I bought a smoke51 locally at a o.k. price and it was alright to say the least (piece of garbage). I then bought a few other ecigs and none were teriffic but it kept me on the path of e-cigarettes.

shawn’s you tube videos kept popping up and I finally ordered from him. I am now a Zig Cig fan and will go no where else. Everything is great and I hope others find this review helpful. If you want a quality product order from Zig Cigs.
In case anyone is still checking this thread, I'll post my .02 below:

I've been a smoker for 10 years and I recently found Shawn's video's on You Tube. I watched them then found out from online research that he started his own E-cig shop. I researched the product and decided to make a purchase. I'll tell you what I've found out:

Shawn was extremely helpful. Not only in his videos but in actual conversation as well.
He responds to e-mail in a timely fashion
His product is exactly as described.
E-cigs have changed my life.
I feel better, healthier, and I have more energy.
I sleep better and snore less according to my wife.
After calculations, I actually consume less nicotine than while I was smoking yet I feel no major cravings for an "analog" cig.
My Zig cig is durable and has gone through alot of experimenting.
I am a repeat customer.
I will continue to buy through him because he is trustworthy and his product is quality.

Thanks for listening.
Not sure if anyone has been following shaun but he got royaly spanked by big corporate America. Zig Zag rolling papers has forced him to rename to zee cigs and/or zeecigs. i emailed him about this as zig zag papers is for pot smokers and is a far reach to ecigs but his position is simple, they have really dep pockects and many lawyers on hand and he does not. Funny how the FDA is trying to call this product anything but tobacco but this guy is getting legal flack by tobacco companies. Just to drop a line so everyone knows (for keywords) I am talking about the very respected shawn who was Zig and now has to go with
Zig is now Zee cigs

I love Shawn’s smokeless shop and left a review here months ago, I do not care what its called, zig or zee as I am a loyal customer.

I have been smoke free since the first electronic cigarette I got from him. The reason I am putting another review in is an update for other people who might see shawns stuff of zig cigs. Zigcigs (aka shawn) had to change his ecig name to zeecigs and I am trying to help as what I can gather is big corporate B.S.

He has not posted this much anywhere and I think the reason is he is not allowed. A cigarette rolling paper company made him change the name from zig to zee. This is what I can gather from what I have seen in the changing of his website name and all the changes. Not surprised that big tobacco attacked him. Funny how FDA is trying to call ecigs a drug yet big tobacco is looking at it as tobacco product.

Anyways, if you are searching for zigcigs look up zee cigs as it’s the same guy but now a different name. I just hope that hew still keeps doing youtube videos as that is how I found him.

Iowa Gal