Apparently i complained?


New member
May 1, 2011
I work in a hotel kitchen, and one of the chefs and I always take the mic out of each other.
For instance he would say "i hate this song" so i would turn the radio etc.
but it is never one sided

Last night i was at work, and he was silent. As soon as the head chef left and it was just me and him in the kitchen he said, "why didn't you come to me first?"
and i just went, "what?"
He said"there was no need to complain"
and that was the first I'd heard of it. According to him, the head chef had told him to leave me alone as he should not be harassing young girls, and that I'd complained, which i have no recollection of.
Can you please help me?
Why would he say that?
What can i say to confront him?