Are blacks more physically stronger then other races?


May 26, 2008
If you could make a classification of races without the PC (political correctness team) jumping in and removing my answer surely some races are credited with what they have done in history?

Im just calling a spade a spade.

E.g the Europeans (white) folks are credited with the power of invention and discovery throughout history.

Japanese, Chinese folks being short heighted are meant to be good at academics, humble hardworking good engineers and produce quality cars e.g Toyota, Nissan etcc

The blacks you see everywhere down in the gym on your street are much more physically stronger, they are credited with being strong slaves which is the reason white folks used them? right?

No one dare wants to pick an argument with a black i can tell you now for free

Blacks dominate the contact supports, boxing, running, any strenous physical activity.

Blacks in prison easily dominate whites. people fear walking through a black neighbourhood.

Alot of white women are running into the laps of black men because their bigger hmm, and longer stamina.

So calling a spade a spade, are blacks more physically superior in some aspects to other races?
Your question is actually valid, even if may not be considered politically correct.

Back in the 1700s & 1800s, blacks were bred to produce large, strong field hands. They were slaves, and the bigger (broader) they were, the stronger they were -- the longer & harder they could work.

While this practice was abolished long ago with the demise of slavery in USA, genetics still exist. So yes..... in some ways you are correct.
Your question is actually valid, even if may not be considered politically correct.

Back in the 1700s & 1800s, blacks were bred to produce large, strong field hands. They were slaves, and the bigger (broader) they were, the stronger they were -- the longer & harder they could work.

While this practice was abolished long ago with the demise of slavery in USA, genetics still exist. So yes..... in some ways you are correct.