Are Clowns Scary?

My fear and distrust of clowns goes back to when I was eight years old or so. I saw a black and white old movie and I couldn't tell you the name if it came up and bit me. At any rate, the clown was acting all funny and everything. The guy had a flower on his shirt that was actually a water pistol.

When he was performing, he would make everything laugh and all. But this Bozo was killing people when he was away from the spotlight. He knocked off several before they found out who was doing it.

Can't overcome those childhood nightmares.
Here's one evil clown:

He probably had a lot to do with people thinking clowns were evil.

Here's another look at the why people don't like or fear clowns:
What kind of scaryassed clowns came to some of you guys birthday parties?
Clowns are the very definition of evil. Throughout history, if you look closely and read between the lines, they have been at the centre of every major disaster.

The sinking of the Titanic wasn’t due to it hitting an iceberg, it actually hit a sea flaring clown that was making its way to the UK from New York. In the same era, it has since been discovered that clowns were behind the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand which precipitated the events leading up to World War I.

They are currently fighting a time war in the past, present and future. In one dark, dark future, clowns have taken over continental Europe and are marching over Asia and the Pacific Rim in their quest for world domination with only a handful of non-clowns resisting in South Vietnam, China, Western Australasia with pockets of rebellion in France and Slovakia.

Don’t be fooled. Clowns have already infiltrated local government and are battling hard to gain your votes. Clowns like the BNP and UKIP. Don’t let them win or you face a lifetime of mimes, electric buzzers and squirting flowers.

As Bob Geldof and Bono would say "Make Clowns History".
Liar! No clowns can hide under my bed I sprayed it with clown-be-gone spray so HA!
I remember at one birthday party when a clown showed up and cornered us kids on the side of the house... he said we had to wrestle his 'angry pink worm'...

Thankfully I was an 9 year old who carried a straightrazor.

I've still got that 'angry pink worm' in a jar of formaldehyde I keep on my mantle piece. Should have seen the look on that clowns face when I reached in a lopped off 'his angry pink worm' lickety split.
One tried to get me to help him make balloon animals when I was about 8, so I kicked him and ran away.
Pffttt..... don't let Chimp fool you...
everyone knows that clown sidekicks are always nasty monkeys.
It's a disturbing and parasitic relationship between clowns and monkeys... just look at this photo... WHERE IS THAT CLOWNS HAND AT?!?:EEK: