Are flip-type cell phones (Such as Sony Ericsson W300) less harmful than candy-bar


New member
Jul 6, 2008
phones (Such as iPhone)? I have a flip type phone and a candy-bar type phone. I'm not sure where the radio antenna of my flip type phone is, but I believe that it's probably on top side of its lower half.

This means that the antenna should be at least 4 centimeter away from my head, as compared to a candy-bar phone in which the antenna is at most 1 centimeter away.

Laws of power (as applicable to electromagnetic waves such as radio waves and microwaves) tell us that the intensity of an electromagnetic wave is inversely proportional to square of its distance. This implies that the waves from my flip-type phone 'should be' about 1/16 times as intense as the waves from my candy-bar phone, a dramatic decrease in radiation exposure (6.25% as compared to 100%).

Is this true in general for all flip phones? Is there any study that supports this hypothesis?