Are Fundamentalists lacking a sense of humor?

Feb 27, 2008
I just asked a question to someone who I suspect is a fundamentalist on whether chicken pot pie should be illegal and they wanted to know why for goodness sakes would I even think so?----what?
Some of them do have a dour, Calvinist attitude.But you know as well as I do, that you can't make blanket statements about all fundamentalists any more than you can about all Catholics.My ex boss was Church of Christ, and had a great, bawdy sense of humor, even though she loves God with all her heart. She just wasn't a prude. (Her father was a Deaf preacher and he had a great sense of humor too.)So forgive them if they tend to be a little humorless. Let's you and I have enough of a sense of humor for all of them too. :)So I would answer: Chicken pot pie should not be illegal unless you "inhale" it all in one sitting.
It's not just that they're uptight...but most are too dumb to get the jokes in the first place.
...because Christians are branded as "can't think" people. So it always amazes us to see some low standard questions like that from you guys. I've seen many today actually...and I laugh at everyone of it.So that's just to show I have plenty sense of you or/and some don't have sense of humor after all. =)
There is precious little in the Bible or Christianity in support of a good sense of humour - in terms of positive human qualities, it's right up there with intelligence in terms of Things The Bible Doesn't Care About.
Often, their senses of humour are less developed than other people's - see example:;_ylt=ApJq9_9I1gQhtdiJ0i.mhfbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080327172156AAyF0fx&show=7#profile-info-Hp2DKNH5aaI'm sorry I answered it, but I guess I was having a sense of humour failure too last night.
I have noticed, since they take everything so literally, that #1 they don't have much of a sense of humor and #2 they honestly are not capable of "thinking outside the box".
Just like with so many things in life, it depends on the individual. Some people are overly serious no matter their faith or lack thereof.
Two blondes walk into a'd think one of 'em woulda seen it!Chicken pot pie shouldn't necessarily be illegal, just governed under a different set of laws.
Well I have ex inlaws that are VERY fundamentalist and they have great senses of humor. But NOT about religion. Nor sex, nor anything "unchristian-like". Anything else is fair game. You just have to know their boundaries and not cross them, and everyone will play nice.