Are Joe the Plumber's Oratory Skills Almost Like Lincoln's When Compared...

Joe the Plumber speaks well and has a good vocabulary in his own right, no need to compare him to others.
That the party that gave us Dubya and Palin would be well advised not to criticize oratorical skills.
I say no and comparing Sam the Plumber to Lincoln is like comparing a conservative to einstein, absolute polar opposites.
I heard a guy call in a radio talk show to make fun of Kennedy. I admit, she does sound silly. But this guy said 'I mean" 6 times in 30 seconds. It was funny. And the host said "Ya know" 3 - 4 times.

My sister says 'like' all the time. It drives me insane. Hopefully, out of this will come a recognition that the english language has degenerated into a mixture of ebonics and vally girl.