Are movies in Blockbuster reason for the trend change in our society?


New member
Feb 13, 2013
Girls today don't wear hijab, they feel that its shame. Are movies responsible for playing such role in our decisions?
Who is a Hindu ?

Belief in one God, many adorable forms, names and
Acceptance Karma and the fruits of each deed
Upholding Dharma as a duty towards all aspects of life
A true Hindu will give up his life to defend and protect
Will fight evils perpetrated against our religion and will take
up arms if his/her Bharat, its' people and religion are
under threat from enemies
Knowing Hinduism as the eternal religion
Acceptance of various paths leading to God
Respecting all ancient Hindu scriptures
Seeing God in all
Body dies but the soul is eternal
Belief in the concept of reincarnation
All living things have souls & moksha as the final destination
Respect of Gurus and their teachings