Are sport bikes comfortable for girls to ride passenger?


Apr 28, 2008
My wife is afraid of being unable to ride the back of a sport bike. I'm leaning towards the Katana or something with the one piece "stretched" seat as aposed to the two piece found on super sport bikes as I'm sure these aren't very comfortable at all. I don't want a Harley type bike.
You don't have to get a Goldwing for comfort. I have a sport bike (1100cc) and a sport touring bike (1000cc). My lady friend likes the comfort of the touring bike but occasionally likes the thrill of the sport bike, its about a 90/10 ratio. Also check out after market seats like corbin, they are big improvement over stock for both the rider and passenger.
You don't have to get a Goldwing for comfort. I have a sport bike (1100cc) and a sport touring bike (1000cc). My lady friend likes the comfort of the touring bike but occasionally likes the thrill of the sport bike, its about a 90/10 ratio. Also check out after market seats like corbin, they are big improvement over stock for both the rider and passenger.
No passenger is ever going to be comfortable on a sport bike, at least not for a longer ride. If it is 30 - 40 minutes at a time and then a break she should be fine. Sport bikes just aren't built with comfort in mind, for the rider or passenger. On long rides a passenger back rest is a must to keep the back muscles from tensing up. A back rest would look a little goofy on a sport bike. The Katana is more of a sit up type ride than most sport bikes so it would be more comfy than a GSXR.
Bring her to a motorcycle dealership.
Ask a salesman to hep you hold up the bike while you and your wife are sitting on one.
Maybe that will help her decide whether it'd be comfortable for her.