are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?


Meli C

are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

is war ,economy,health,social security,real estate and employment importnat to anyone in here?
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

Yes there is but people can't seem to stop focusing on his race which is really sad! It just goes to show how some people really are!
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

Yes. The shape of a candidate's genitalia.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

All the ones the Neocons are trying to misdirect your attention away from so they can win again after the destruction they created.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

This is something I would like to know!!!
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

Yes but it is easier for one to attack someone on grounds of race than the real issues. I for one think that they should focus on the impending economic crisis and the war in Iraq instead of someone being black or white.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

Truckers Strike!!!! Go Truckers. Show those damn oil companies !!!!!!
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

most uneducated people have not seen anyone besides a middle to old age white man running for presidentObama running for president is just something very new to themhe is not a conventional candidate which uneducated Americans have seen
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

sure they are but all those are lost right now while the dems fight it out...when we get to the real election campaigning, you will see them come out.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

Yes, and please recall Obama said he was not going to make race an issue - and that is all he has done.Can't blame him though since he has nothing to offer.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

absolutely.all of those issues that you listed and so many more are concerns to only the intelligent and informed americans.the color of a man's skin is only important to the ignorant, the unintelligent, the bigot, the racist and the simple-minded.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

In Obama's case, probably not.Maybe thats because I am an Angry Middle Age White Man. Or it could be, I just don't like the guy. My opinion, my vote.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

What is important is what a man or woman thinks and really believes in his heart.Obama is a FALSE Christian as clearly evidenced in this video below.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

This is one of the reasons why I'll never vote for a Clinton in my life time. They have distracted and distorted so much with petty non-issues so that we, the public are at lost.Like what you suggest, the Iraq war, the downfall of the economy, and overall low health-care provided do not get enough of emphasis as they should. If Hillary were so superior on those significant issues, how come she is injecting the race, the gender, the ethnicity, and the victim cards every single turn?Very Simple! She does not have any poofs of her fictitious claims on policies and accomplishment both foreign and domestic. That's why she is spinning our heads into amnesia with non-issues.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

And they say the media is liberal. Where the hell did they get that idea from. If the media were liberal, would it disseminate that notion? Nope. That comes from neocon central. The same neocon central that's blinding the easily blinded into thinking this whole deal is about a skiiny black man and his pastor, or his religion, or his opposed to an economy in freefall and the war that helped it happen.Oh yeah...and what's this about health care as a lottery prize?Yeah, things are going great. It's all about some idiot Christian.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

Obama has made it about race focus on Hillary instead she's about solutions for these issuesObama exaggerates and outright lies and just now the media is finally calling him on it? It's ridiculous.By the way Hillary hasn't brought out the issue of race, Obama has and the repubs with the Rev. wright issue This will be a big problem come November no doubtRev. Wright has brought the ethnic issues in by his anti-Semitic , anti- American remarks, calling Italians garlic noses? No matter what the 'polls" are saying people are talking about it.we can go on and on
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

I think that they both agree on the issues, perhaps they disagree on how to correct them. But the real prejudice is not in skin color it is in sex, because white men simply cannot stomach the idea of a woman leading this country. After all, she is the more experienced of the two, and to deny that is to be fooling yourself.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

The Republicans are trying as hard as they can to make the election all about Obama's race. Obama carefully avoided any mention of race for a long time because he knew the minute he broke the subject the Republicans would accuse him of 'playing the race card', asking you to vote for him just because he was black. After his minister made some imprudent remarks about race, Obama made the most intelligent and honest speech about race I have ever seen in an American election. The Republicans now call him a 'racist'.The Republicans have instigated, encouraged and exploited every kind of intolerance in America--not just racism but sexism, homophobia, nativism and xenophobia, and even religious intolerance. It's just how they work--divide and conquer. In doing so, they bring out the very worst in Americans.And beside, in this election they don't have a lot more go to on. The actual issues all favor the Democrats. So they have to focus on Obama's race (and call him a Muslim) and on Hillary's gender.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

Yes, Obama and Clinton want to cut and run from the warHealth, they want ruin America's great health care system by letting the government take it overSocial Security is NOT a problem (according to Greenspan) It won't take a genius to fix it, that is why its on the back burnerReal estate fix is already in the making and by the time the next President takes office, it will no longer be on the tableEmployment is this country is better than it ever has been, we all remember the Carter days of double digit inflation and the unemployment. Electing a democrat will only bring those days back to us.As for skin color, obviously not an issue, if it was, Obama would not have such strong support. So stop trying to make it an issue, the only one who has so far is Obama and his racist pastor wright.
are there any more important issue about this election besides the color of a mans skin?

Yes it is.One of the most important issues to me will be the Socialist agendas being pushed by Obama and Hilliary.If passed you can count on a 50% tax rate and more people looking for handouts.Motivation and incentive will become a thing of the past,why work OT and extra to get ahead when all of your earnings will go to help Africa and welfare patrons who live on the system.But hey I guess I am an elitist,I don't want to give most of my earnings away in taxes.I believe in a hand up not a handout.Job training should be number one in the welfare system,not just an after thought.Why can illegals get jobs in this country when we have so many on welfare? Are the jobs not worth doing because they make more on welfare at home?