Are you happy in your life??

To answer the original question I'm neither particularly happy nor unhappy. I've got good things going on but some stressful things too. My approach is pretty philosophical: Enjoy the good things, and try to deal with the bad as best you can. Sometimes the only way to do the latter, if you can't change circumstances, is to change the way you relate to them. Sometimes that means you'll have to lower your standards or rethink what it is you actually want out of life and try to make it fit the circumstances better. You can't always win.

Anyway, I also wanted to say that I like people like Hirijo. Both happiness and depression can be contagious. The more happy people there are around the more they rub off on other people, making them more happy, and so on. Keep it up mate!

Thats a great question adn perhaps one we should ask ourselves more often. I think overall I would have to say yes (although right now I have a blinding headache). Like everyone else there have been good and bad times in my life. I know that in the future thare will be more of the same. I try to enjoy the good and deal with the bad as best I can.

I have a good job, I enjoy my training and there is always something new and exciting going on, I am getting married next year so overall life is good.

Someone ealier said they think too much - I am guilty of overanalyising things too and that has been the one thing that of late has been getting me down. I try to stop now and be more rational.

It may be a generalisation but I think from reading the replies here that one of teh major factors in our unhappiness is problem relationships. Does anyone else think that?
Of course, there is nothing that will get a fool more depressed than losing a girl or having a rocky time of a relationship.

The opposite sex: the major cause of unhappiness and happiness (men and women).
Yeah, odd that Yohan. Women provide us with happiness when all goes well but if things go seriously wrong.....ouch ! The thing also is I think during these times that more and more ppl are single or even alone. And that lonelyness is a huge contribution to being unhappy. But the demands on relationships is going up so often, by the time you found someone that you care for they don't like this or that about you.......its like a vicious circle ! And in my case......well, I always seem to pick the wrong women, I guess.

That's what mates and martial arts are for. I got dumped recently, and I've used it as motivation to step up my training. Instead of moping or playing video games in the evening after practice, I go run sprints, hit the heavy bag, use the jump rope, do calisthenics, or I go over to my buddies house and play the saxophone.

If you can't be happy without a woman, how can you expect to be happy with one? Or make one happy? One should tend to his own house before he goes looking in other peoples windows. That applies to relationships as well.

Also, it doesn't matter who you get with, they won't like this or that about you, and you won't like that or this about them. So what? I don't like certain things about my friends, but in the end I love them all the same.
I'm only ever really happy when I drink.

So yeah, I'm pretty much permanently happy.
Well I'd buy you a beer if you were within walking distance. Nothing like making fellow human beings happy!
Yeh i was just supprised he reacted that way. Like i said people go through hard times and good times. Right now im happy.

The point i was making to people is if your unhappy, then do something to change IF you can. i know somethings are out of your control, thats why i was giving you some support. I dont know whats happend in Tekkens life but i hope he works things out, hes still young.
Yeah, you're right, poeple go through good andd hard times. Making it even more important to enjoy the good times. I put alot more importance now on my good times, like heading to karate training, heading to my vacation with my dad, having my brother over in a few weeks time, etc.

After my last ex broke up with me the first thing I did was find something to distract this case I looked for something I always wanted to do..which was get my black belt in karate. So I walked into the "Busen" and attended my first free lesson. Here I'm now today.

im glad you think like that now i really think that its the little things in life that you have to look at to make you happy. It also good to remember that women are not the be all, end all of your life.
Life is short! Enjoy the bad times too. Nothing is stopping you. All you have to do is wake up tomorrow and tell yourself "I'm going to be happy today, no matter what happens." And keep telling yourself that.