Are you happy?

Nope not really, but if i keep smiling i might fool myself into believing i am happy, so here goes... :)
Im happy. Interesting thread and slightly depressing poll results so far. I don't know if you mean happy in life in general or in a good mood this second but id say happy to both i guess
Youre not my girlfriend are you? If you are you can **** off you cheating whore. I'm guessing you arent. =]

Edit: Ex-girlfriend, beeen far to long
No. I've got a headache, its 1am and I failed to run as far as I was meant to today.
Yes. I have a Monty Python DVD and a cup of hot chocolate. What more could I possibly ask for? ^_^
Define 'Happiness'?

If you mean, deep down am I content within myself, my life, my past, my future, my relationships?

Then no. Things could be a lot worse though.
Im so so. Happy about certain things but other things are getting me down. Just wanna get back to uni now.
No, not really. I'm not really content either, I think what I am the most is resigned. Just sort of accept that things are like this, my life will never be simple but always complicated and I'll just enjoy the good times whenever they happen.
I was until about a week ago. Now I have a job I don't particularly care for, just to fund a part-time MA that I'm not even sure I want to do if it means that, combined with the work, I'll not get to see my girlfriend very much. :(