Are you scared of your dad?

I'm 5 feet 11 inches tall and 275 pounds last time I weighed myself. My dad is 6 feet 1 inch tall and 165 pounds. I'm obviously bigger than he is, I can pick him up and carry him, and I'm mean, but he's a few inches taller, knows some pretty dirty tricks as far as fighting goes, and he's meaner than me, lol.

So no, I'm not scared of him, but I wouldn't want to fight him either. We get along good though. :tup:
Ya my dad could still kick my ass with a pinched nerve and heart problems, pulling wrenches and working on a farm all your life has its perks.
Fuckin right I am.

My dad is like 6'1 250lbs. The beast has thrown me through my bedroom door twice. Even after getting surgery on his shoulder, he is extremely strong.

Oh yeah, he is a war veteran and is currently deployed. His birthday is in 9 days :eek:
His GPS just got stolen, and he is currently living in an unknown location for 8 months. I might buy him another one. I did send him a few diesel power magazines and some Peterson's Offroading mags just to help him pass the time. I'm not sure what else to get him.

Yeah, you should have seen what happened when they found out I smoked (cigarettes). Crazy stuff...

Finding about my drug use, hot damn... :ugh:
Yeah. I'll try to find a picture of him.

I've got a few shots of him in Iraq. Very very frightening pictures.
holy shit batman, your one big keilbasa eating bitch. you could eat your dad.

you play football?
my dad is 6 feet underground. I am not afraid of him.

now if he came back, thatd be some scary ass shit.