Are you sick of all of this coverage of Rev. Wright??


Apr 8, 2008
I was channel surfing the propaganda (news) on TV tonight and they were talking about Rev. Wright on everyone of them for hours at a time. It is so over-covered.
What do you think?
Do you care about this guy?
Does what he says affect how you feel about Obama?
Yes, because Obama is running on his personality and not facts, so we need to learn as much about how his personality and beliefs were formed. And according to statements he made last year Rev. Wright was highly influential in that formation. And personally, knowing that such a person was that important to Obama has made me decide not to vote for him.
Totally. But I watched him on C-Span the other night with my mom and sometimes I get what he's saying but other times he's just digging himself into a hole. Like the JFK comment totally uncalled for. His words about Obama hasn't change the way I feel about Obama. I'm still voting for him or Hilary. Whoever gets the nom. I just think he's trying to call attention to himself most of the time. I'm from the South so alot of people got riled up about a reverend saying these things and rightfully so. His sermon about 9/11 was totally wrong. He also said the gov spread AIDS to kill blacks. Like, seriously??? I'm black and I'm totally offended. If I was Obama I wouldn't be standing behind this guy either.
Well, it's very important because it relates to the beliefs of the possible future leader of our country, Obama. I'm sick of Rev. Wright though. I'm agitated by ALL close minded eccentric people, who are suppressive toward others.