Area 51

it kept me entertained actually. did you see the part where they switched out two monkey's brains??

yeah, thats right, bitch
i just had to do a research paper on area 51. they did move the location to some wheres near the four corners of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico because of a couple reasons.

one was some shit about an open skies treaty the US has w/ other countries where we can fly over each others territories or something, so they moved to keep it as secret as possible because of how everyone knew where it was.

another reason was because the elevation, it was ideal for some kind of new "pop up missile" so the higher the elevation the further the missile missions could travel.

sry for the novel but thats what i got out of researching it last month
i saw something on the history channel about UFO's or something and them talkin about area 51.. they said they think there's a 'new area 51' in colorado or something...

well there still has to be an area 51 even tough maybe its not the 'primary' base... they still have guards and shit.. nobody can get close
My dad flew over it a few times. Hes been a pilot for 42 years. He got a restricted airspace warning, so he left. he said it was just a couple desolate and run down buildings with a giant fence surrounding it. Methinks its underground mostly. Because if it is a secret testing/UFO facility they would have thought of stuff like google earth. I mean satellites taking pictures are nothing new, no government official would be dumb enough to decide to put it above ground.
Area 51 is just a cover-up. The real seceret tests and records and stuff are in various locations that people can't access.

Example: Inside Mt.Rushmore, In the Hover Dam, and in the torch of the statue of liberty.
