Aren't conspiracy nonsense in Astronomy & Space just rants?


May 14, 2008
I think some of these really tired nonsense that keep trying to push nonsense such as Lunar Landing Conspiracy are just rants and should be reported at least for a little while. We've tolerated such idiocy for quite some time and have posted many replies, it's not as if they can't find such replies via a search and we should stress that this is not a soapbox for such erroneous beliefs. I for one will be reporting such posts as rants for the next few weeks, don't you agree that you should as well, at least till they become less soapboxing and trolls and revert back to confused newbies?
No, I disagree. I think of this forum as a place of learning. More than once I have been googling a question and it led me here to answer my question. Most of the questions in this forum fall into three categories.
1-Kids trying to do their homework.
2-Serious and thought provoking questions that usually don't have answers, but give rise to more deeper questions.
3-The uninformed, who have been hearing all kinds of 'garbage' their whole lives and came here to get the low down.
I have answered the same question umpteen times even though it was asked differently. I give the same answer and the person asking learns something. The best people to answer questions in this forum are teachers who love to help people learn. Just like you are doing right now. I may have not told you anything you don't know, but I have you thinking about the uninformed who ask the questions here and how we, even you, are helping them. Reporting them doesn't help anybody but yourself.
I think they should possibly be ignored. I tend just to post a link to when i see one. If they're reported, the asker would probably interpret that as part of the conspiracy, and the important thing is that they need to stop believing it. It's a bit like the astronomical version of creationism.

I have to say this: i understand and share your annoyance but please, don't report them because i think that will feed their paranoia. These people probably have mental health problems some of the time and they need help. Reporting them is not help in my opinion.
I agree. It's a misuse of the Y!A platform. Ignorance is not a problem - I'm here because I love sharing my knowledge. However, I am sick of being screamed at and abused by trolls and people who refuse to accept there are things they don't know or understand.

I report blatant trolls, but ignore any I'm not sure of unless I fancy getting the 2 points for repeating the same information again.